During my education at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology where I study an AP Graduate in Design, Technology and Business with a specialization in Marketing and Communication Design, we had a fictive case with Naked Juice.
For this project, we were tasked with developing a new brand identity that would be suitable for the european market. Naked Juice is an American brand that produces juices and smoothies. It started in Santa Monica in 1983 by Jimmy Rosenberg & David Bleesen - but are now owned by PepsiCo. They have four different variants called Machine, Core, Functional and Craveworthy.

At 'af-amerikanisere' emballagen for at tilpasse det til det europæiske marked. Til det bliver vi inspireret af japansk design, som har mere rene linjer, er stilrent og minimalistisk i udtryk samt tilføje elementer af grafiske elementer. Dertil et nyt logo som får et opdateret og moderniseret udtryk.

Proces og afprøvning

Visuel identitet

Grafisk element
